Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fisher Family Vacation 2013

The First clue was sent on 1 January...All answers were wrong- however if they guess our next vacation place too soon, it wouldn't be much of a game would it? Another clue will arrive in their "in-box" on 1 February. The question for them at the moment is: should we continue with the color "Forest Green" or should we mix it up and go for a different color? Also, this time you can pick your size! (of course we will let you know before hand what the item will be)
Well this week Rich is at the World Economic Forum. So with it being just Mikey and myself thing's are pretty quite around here!! I'm taking the time to go through closets and cabinets tossing and keeping, to pre-prepare for our move in June. Our pack out date is June 6th; and I'm afraid it will be here in a minute!! Rich is scheduled for classes at FSI beginning in July and will leave for Afghanistan on August 21st. I never thought I'd be looking forward to receiving and going through our "long term storage"! It will for sure keep me busy un-packing every box...will also "I'm sure" make me cry....EVERYTHING from the boy's childhood right up to and beyond Letter Jackets and High School Band instruments. I even have all my Mother's Day gifts in there, from Pre-School and up! Oh my goodness; I'll have to have my friend Pat bring the wine and we can go through everything together!!! There's nothing better in the world than having a close friend that can share your memories and tears. Especially when your Best Friend in the World will be in another part of the World.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Morning Sentinal Waterville Maine

On January 9th 2010 this "letter" was sent into the paper:
 January 9

Paper shouldn't honor kids having year's first baby

The newspaper should be ashamed of itself for the publication of a New Year's birth that took place in Waterville to parents who are only 15 and 16 years of age.
This publicity does not set a good tone and certainly takes away from the efforts of parents who properly teach their children what they should not be doing at a young age.
By publishing this article, teenagers have conflicting messages: It seems to be OK to have kids at a young age even when their parents tell them it is not.
The article also stated how excited the staff at the hospital was about the birth.
Articles like this should not be published, period. Big deal, it was New Year's Day, and a baby was born in the area.
I suspect that now three kids will be joining the assistance our tax dollars pay for. Hardworking Mainers get told they are $13 over the limit, for example, and get no assistance; but it seems nowadays, failing sex education or having poorly educated parents is the way to get assistance from our tax dollars. Honest working people don't.
The newspaper should cease its activity of publishing "holiday births." I had respect for your paper over the years but lost it when you choose to make teen pregnancy front-page news.
Randy Newcombe
I was shocked to read something like this but not surprised. Some would agree that this is true- while others would think the spoken words rather harsh. Personally, I've never met these kids and I don't know their story. Are they too young? Yes. Will they receive State assistance? Probably.
I grew-up in a small town in Maine; when I left in 1989 some of the towns already had third and forth generation welfare. Unfortunately...  

Friday, January 13, 2012

New Year

2012....Wow, my Mother was right; the older you get- the quicker time slips by! "I've decided that I DO NOT like this getting older thing" however I like the alternative even worse. A situation that all of us has to endure- yet I "hate" not being able to control what and when things happen to me! A small wrinkle, a little sag to the skin- increasing the time you spend on toning and fighting the urge to run to the nearest plastic surgeon and sign away all future earnings to prolong the inevitable. Which is worse; young and stupid or old and wise? I'll have to think about that and get back to you, but I can tell you when it all began.....on the day I was born.