Thursday, July 22, 2010


Guess who showed up this morning? "The moving company"...that's right, we now have our thing's after four years. Of course we still have part of a house still in storage in Va, but it stays put for now.
Today everything ran smoothly- we had a great team, even a bit funny. the first thing to show up was this:
Now I had no idea what they were planning, however they seemed to have everything under control.
Next to come was the first truck...this is when I began to feel a little sick.
Knowing we would have to un-pack all of these boxes and then some! But first they would have to get everything into the house. One step at a time....
Now for the lift to the third floor:

 What about the second floor? Well when thing's were to heavy to carry they opted for the old stand on ladder, lift, push and pull method.
As for my kitchen...well I AM happy that I have my thing's back:
 And as for Mikey....he had a good day as well; like my friend Kim said: Christmas in July.
 We do have a lot of boxes un-packed, and tomorrow I'll be on my own while Rich is back to work, But we have the weekend!!!!!! Oh...I can hear a hot shower calling my I'll be unpacking boxes in my sleep tonight!


  1. WOW!!! What a production!!!! It'll be loads of work but fun putting your house together. I really wish I was there to help. Betti

  2. FUN FUN FUN!! Think of all the surprises and things you forgot you had!
