Thursday, October 25, 2012


First, I have to tell you that I'm writing this today because my wonderful Father-In-Law wrote my husband in Afghanistan and told him to "get on my case for not Posting on my Blog" since I love Dad and want to make him it is. Lets see..I had a great time in Ca. with my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter!
 I went on my First ever Ride-Along with Chris; exciting and a bit scary. I learned during high speed that the passenger side in a Police cruiser "does not" have anything to hang on to, when I told him- he promptly opened my window halfway and told me to hang on the roof through the window..which I did without hesitation!!!!
 I have to tell you though, I was in awe of what my son and other Police Officers do EVERYDAY for our safety here in America. Now, we were a Military Family and I have sent my husband AND our son into harms way overseas, and yes- everyone always Thanks the American Solider and morns the loss of those that don't make it back home, free trips and discounts for almost anywhere- and I would never change anything about that. I would however ADD to them the USA Police Officers. We've lost a lot of them while on duty as well, my daughter-in-law has the same fears as I did as a Military wife- my son has been called bad names, been spit on, peed on, fought with and even had bad things said about his Mother.. not to mention high speed chases and being shot at,all in a days work. Nothing is routine for him-every call is dangerous, do people ever thank him or other Officers? No. Do they expect you to? No. Would it be nice? Yes.
The difference between what he did in Iraq and what he does now- is the Gratitude of the American People.

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