Monday, June 6, 2011


This morning after making brownies and cleaning the house, I did something. Now- try to understand " I HATE BUGS" All of them! There was a fly in the kitchen this morning that was driving me absolutely crazy throughout baking and cleaning...I kept trying to smack him with no luck. By the time I began to vacuum, this fly was really on my "hit list". Unable to swat the little $@*^...I found myself using the only thing in my hand... the vacuum cleaner! That's right, I was waving it around in the air, trying to suck the thing up; and NOT successfully! While running around the room trying to end his freedom of flight I caught notice of myself in the mirror. After a moment of quick reflection- I just began to laugh at the site of it all; Is this what my time has come down to? Have I really gone to this extent to get a FLY out of my house? Well after the laughter, my thought was YES!!! It is! So with an open door and the use of a magazine...some of you will be happy to know that the fly is now free- outside flying around happily. (Until "that is" he flies into someones windshield)

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