Monday, June 20, 2011


Thank you everyone, for thinking about Mikey. He is doing much better and will be finished with his medication's soon.
Now: if your on Facebook, you've already heard the news. If not then let me fill you in! Richard received his new assignment for August 2012-2013...he is being sent to Kandahar Afghanistan! We will have a follow-on assignment within a few months. After talking it over- we decided it best for me to remain in Switzerland. Rich will be getting some leave and it will be better if he doesn't have to spend most of it traveling. We do have a lovely home here, we're comfortable with our surroundings, I know my way around and have very good friends to keep me busy and lend support. Given our Military life; I can say we HAVE done this before..the exception this time is that I won't have any of my boys with me. The house will be empty except for Mikey...

1 comment:

  1. Ummmm since I am missing the Switzerland portion of the trip this year, you can count on Corey and I to visit you and Mikey.
