Saturday, May 29, 2010


My Daughter-In-Law Marissa went shopping the other day for shoes. She ended up buying five pair..."hey, a girl's got to look good"! So, a couple of days ago Chris came home from work and Marissa was cleaning the house... as they sat down to talk about their days; she told him that she had bought another pair of shoes, just one more! Chris' being a bit annoyed said "what?" Marissa explained to him that it was just one more Please open the box and just look at them. So he did...and this is what he found inside:
Yes, it is indeed a pair of Baby shoes with TWO pregnancy test sticks {she wanted to make sure} On the bottom of the shoe it read's: Hi Daddy, baby Fish coming soon Feb 2011
love Mom
I'm sure you can imagine his surprise.
Rich and I are so excited for them, they are going to be Wonderful parent's!! Also able to share in this amazing news is Craig and Trista who are there visiting this weekend with Shealynn and Brady. They sure picked a good weekend to visit!!!
All in Gods plan.
Hummmm...two test for each baby?????


  1. Wow! Congratulations to all. What a great way to present the news and with family visiting as well. We are thrilled for everyone. And yes, they will be wonderful parents.

  2. I LOVE her creativeness in telling him! You know.....twins run in the family! Just saying.....
