Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Monday

Good-morning! What a weekend, we made a Commissary trip to Heidelberg on Saturday; {long drive} however we were successful in our purchases. As soon as our mail room changes I'll be able to mail packages {right now we can't mail anything larger than a VCR tape} But I haven't forgotten about sending out small packages with a taste of Switzerland. It also make's it impossible to send out Christmas gifts!!! So, money will have to work this year for Shealynn and Brady. Although Craig and Trista will be doing our shopping and wrapping for us this year,- our love is with them always. I'm not saying what we're doing for the kid's this year...."not yet anyway".
I spent my morning climbing the elevator shafts again; I just can't seem to stay out of them! LOL  Rich made Tenure with the State Dept. so- if he chooses to stay a Diplomat he may do so until retirement. Which brings the question: Where in the world will "The Fisher's" live after next year?!?! But for right now, it's back to cleaning and baking.

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