Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What a Trip

Well- we made it back from Edinburgh! What an adventure..first we sat on the plane for 4 1/2 hours, "at least we were in an Exit row, so we had more leg room than most". Then we were told they were letting us off the plane..but not to go far and stay in the loading area...another 4 1/2 hours later still no flight staff- but six Police Officers show up to tell us the Airport has closed down! With no direction on what to do or where to go we made our way to find our luggage Rich and I split up to check out all the caravels since we had no idea which one they were coming in on. Got them!! Now what?! They were not booking any flights but "WERE" making Hotel reservations. So Rich got on the phone booked a room at the Hilton and off we went for the night. Our Flight did get re-booked the next morning {however} the airport was still closed and they were not sure when it would be open, so again Rich got on the phone and found out that Flights were taking off from Glasgow. He had luck in booking us on the flight however we still had to get there!! At the Train Station they told us we would be taking a they might be running or not. After an hour wait we got the Train; but not so fast! About 20 minutes from the airport the train breaks down, we were told to get off and another would be along to pick us up..15 minutes later a small train pulls up; definitely not room for everyone so we had to wait for yet another one!! A half hour later we were once again on our way. The plane got delayed for over an hour but we did make it to Geneva just in time to catch the last train into Bern. From there we took a cab and walked in our home at 2 AM!!! FINELY HOME. Funny thing, we went to Edinburgh to set up an Amazing Race for our Family vacation in August and ended up on one ourselves just to get home. I wouldn't have wanted to miss a moment of it...Rich and I seem to have a good time no-matter what's going we met some great people.
I will post some pictures as soon as I can however I'll need to be careful not to post any of the "up-coming race".

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