Saturday, October 9, 2010

Still October

I've had a "somewhat" productive week, unfortunately most of it was spent on a very bad migraine. It was the first in a long time! Rich returns today, I wonder if he'll be surprised by some of the "re-decorating" I've done?! Yesterday I made a double batch of my sour cream sugar cookies, the dough is in the refrigerator while awaiting to be baked! My friend Terri wants to come over and help decorate them- but if she doesn't come today she'll miss out on this batch. I'll take pictures when I'm done. I also made a pan of all I need are people to eat this stuff. I LOVE to cook and bake..but no-way could I eat very much of it or I'd be over 200 lbs!!
Tomorrow we're going to get an early start and drive to Heidelberg Germany to attend the Holiday Bazaar, and pick up a few thing's at the Base Commissary. I think the drive will be beautiful with all the fall colors now. Well back to work for me! Marissa and was great talking/texting with you last night!

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