Thursday, April 8, 2010

Another day..

Another nice day here in DC. I was able to accomplish quit a bit and tomorrow my plan is to "do" our bedroom closets, I must admit I'm looking forward to that task being done! 
Tomorrow is also "bath day" for Mikey, and he needs it! He always seems to find the dirtiest place in the yard to play- such a little boy! I"ll try to remember to post a picture of him tomorrow. 
My cousin Lois is learning the quick step in her dance class, I'm so glad she likes it. It's one of my favorites too; humm...perhaps we should try out for DWTS. I can promise that I'd be way better than Kate! Now that would be worth watching...LOL
I spoke about the "chocolate train" today, I"m excited to get to Switzerland and have a home again. Although I still don't know when that will be. In the meantime I'll continue to get thing's ready, try not to do too much shopping and enjoy the days.

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