Monday, April 5, 2010

Fond Memories

I trust everyone enjoied a wonderful Easter Sunday, I think you were able to experience beautiful weather wherever you found yourself this year.
As Rich and I were "prepairing" for our {tenative} move, we were talking about when the boys were little. "so many wonderful special memories" I'm so happy and blessed to have had the life we've had together and continue to look forward to all of our tomorrows.
Now I received an e-mail from my Aunt and Uncle yesterday inquiring what church we would be attending this year; that simple request brought back a memory from Ft.Drum NY. Rich was B BTRY Commander and the Unit had just Welcomed a new Chaplin. Rich wanted us to go on base that Easter Sunday to show our support for the Unit-- so after the usual routine of getting everyone ready for service, off we went. Well being relatively new ourselves, we didn't have an address and several churches were in place all around the base. After driving around for awhile...{did I mention that I have one of those husbands that wont ask directions?} Imagine my surprise when WE ended-up "LATE"at a Southern Baptist Service whose "special guest speaker" was a Jewish Rabi!! Since we sat up front, it would have been very rude and in poor taste to get-up and leave however it did not refrain me from giving my husband "special little looks" throughout the service. Good times!!  In closing, I hope you all had a wonderful day that will turn into fond memories.

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